
Showing posts from March, 2024

English Bond in Brick Masonry Wall

 * English Bond in Brick Masonry Wall This is most commonly used wall, for all thickness and considered to be strongest . This bond consist of alternate courses of headers and stretchers .  In this bond joints of header course come over each other, similarly joints of stretcher course come over each other. A queen closer is used after first header (qunion header) in each header course to break vertical joints in successive courses.

Header Bond in Brick Masonry Wall

 * Header Bond in Brick Masonry Wall Header bond is the one in which all the bricks are laid as headers ( It is the shorter face of brick i,e 9cm X 9cm ) on the faces of walls. This pattern is used only when the thickness of wall is equal to one brick (i,e 19 cm). Overlap is usually kept equal to half the width of brick (i,e 4.5 cm). It is achieved by using three-quarter brick bats in each alternate courses as quoins. This bond does not have strength to transmit pressure in the direction of the length of the wall , it is unsuitable for load bearing walls . It is useful for curved brick work .

Stretcher Bond in Brick Masonry Wall

 * Stretcher Bond in Brick Masonry Wall Stretcher bond is one in which all the bricks are laid as stretchers ( It is the longer face of brick i ,e 19CM X 9CM ) on the faces of walls. This bond is used for those walls which have thickness of Half Brick ( i, e. 9 cm) .  Such as Partition Walls ,Sleeper Walls, Division Walls etc.